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“I cannot recall another time when I actually received thank you notes  from employees expressing appreciation for the wonderful workshop. Your message was very inspiring as noted in the participant  comments to you as well as the comments I and other members of  TCC's mgmt. have received.” 

- Larry Ketchum,

Tri-County Community Action Director of  Operations


Invite Dr. Karen to speak to your church, event, conference, athletic or women’s group, corporate gathering, or commencement ceremony.  


Dr. Karen is an energetic and dynamic speaker. She strives to inspire and encourage with her interactive, action-oriented, and down-to-earth presentations filled with personal and funny anecdotes.


Dr. Karen excels at equipping her listeners with simple and effective action steps. 

Speaking, preaching, or teaching compensation: 

On the wisdom and advice of seasoned and godly speakers, Dr. Karen asks that you prayerfully consider how you will provide: 

  • Transportation and accommodation. Please confirm travel arrangements and transfer travel funds with enough advance time so that Dr. Karen may book the most reasonable transportation and hotels. Traveling expenses must be paid 48 hours in advance of travel.

  • Compensation as pre-agreed in writing, either as a non-tax-deductible donation or a 1099 independent contractor expense.  Please determine with your church board the means of providing compensation prior to contracting Dr. Karen's services. Please understand that each speaking event takes many hours of preparation and prayer, plus time traveling and presenting. Her minimum fee is $300 for the first portion of an hour of agreed speaking/teaching time, with additional time prorated at the same rate. Please have a check or electronic transfer ready when Dr. Karen arrives to speak. 

  • Note: Book sales are separate from speaking fees. Book sales compensate Dr. Karen for the thousands of hours and money invested in writing, editing, paying for expert services, and other costs of publishing and advertising books.  

  • Please provide clean, comfortable, private, smoke-free, and pet hair/odor-free accommodations with time for Dr. Karen to have adequate rest before speaking.  

  • Volunteer assistance with a resource table provided in a visible, easily accessible location

  • Unless otherwise stated, you are welcome to video the presentation if you provide Dr. Karen with a usable and downloadable copy or flash drive. 

  • I promise your attendees will get an excellent value and I will have spent many hours in prayer with the belief and expectation that the Holy Spirit will guide my words and manifest His love and power in every session. 

"Elders who handle their duties well should be considered worthy of double compensation, especially those who work hard at preaching and teaching. For the Scripture says, “A worker deserves his pay” (1 Timothy 5:17-18, ISV, also Luke 10:7b).  

“In the same way, the Lord has ordered that those who proclaim the gospel should make their living from the gospel” (1  Corinthians 9:14, ISV).  

“Now to someone who works, wages are not considered a gift but an obligation” (Romans 4:4, ISV).  

Why I charge a flat rate for speaking and teaching: I'm disappointed and saddened to share that I've been warned by other pastors that some churches promise the speaker an offering and ask their congregation to give the visiting preacher or teacher an offering but then keep most of what is collected, giving the speaker a small portion or none at all.

Before promising a guest preacher, speaker, or teacher an offering, please read Acts 5:1-10 and provide your guest with what you have committed to give with a joyful heart! "Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver! " 2 Corinthians 9:7, ESV


  • Ph.D. in Clinical Christian Counseling, Colorado Theological  Seminary 

  • MS and BA in Clinical Counseling Psychology,  Valdosta State University, with additional coursework through the  University of Maryland, Asian Division

  • Biblical Studies, Koinonia Institute 

  • NCCA Licensed Clinical Pastoral Counselor  

  • Advanced Board Certifications in Integrated Marriage & Family Therapy, Child and Adolescent Therapy, Tand emperament Therapy 

  • Certified in Dual Diagnosis with Addiction, Group Therapy, FasterEFT, Healing the Wounds Between Men & Women, and NeuroLinguistic Programming (NLP); with additional training in EFT/EMDR, Conversational Hypnotherapy, Grief & Loss, and  Process Healing Method.

  • Professional Clinical Member of the National Christian  Counselors Association 

  • Ordained Minister, National Association of Christian Ministers

  • Author of the best-selling book, Effortless Weightloss: Small  Changes that Lead to Extraordinary Results! (out of print) and  Brain Retrain™: The How-To Renew Your Mind Guide and the blog, Good Bible Study 

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